Saturday 5 March 2022

Book Review: Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare (The Dark Artifices #2)

Lord of Shadows (The Dark Artifices, #2)Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you are one of my blog's loyal readers then you know how I found myself reading the Dark Artifices Series. And like the first book, the second one was also purchased just before the holiday and read during my stay in Germany with my family. You could have even seen pictures of me with the book or just the book on my Instagram and blog's facebook page.

Anyway, like always my little brother was doubtful i could finish the book until our 10-day trip was over, much less way before it, which was what happened and I have stuck once again with finding what to read, but like usual I did find something amazing, and you'll soon know about it! However, let me return back to today's pick!

Did I like it? Hell yes! Was it better than the first book! Look at the rating! It was! I was enjoying the development with Mark, Christina and Kieran! Yes, I'm sorry, I'm spoiling this part, but that threesome is what was so interesting to read about! Plus there's another mild threesome coming up, but i won't be telling you about that, without spoiling something absolutely major! What about Emma and Julian? Yeah, they were also good, better than in the first book, but still not there. And btw, I mean that as a couple. Julian as a single character, holy sh*t!!! I had goosebumps every time he talked or I understood that he plots something! He was that ruthless and at the same time fantastic at it!

Oh, and one more character that started making sense was Diana! Yup, you'll be shocked to see the development her character takes, but at the same time it would be like it was meant to be like that. Are you ready to go into Faerie once again? But this time it will be a far more dangerous quest. And just in case i miss saying this, but will we get to know what the hell is going on with Clary and Jace? I mean, if I don't get my happy ending for their story, I'm going to throw a tantrum!

What else did I want to say... Just in case you've read the book and want to know my thoughts on Annabel, I knew she would do something idiotic, and she actually did it! Same with Perfect Diego. And while I'm on that topic, I totally want to confirm my suspicions about that boy Dru met in the Faerie. But as you could have seen, we need to wait until 2019 for that. And while the review might go out closer to that date, while I'm writing it it's summer of 2017, meaning 2 agonizing years of waiting...

I'll go cry some more as I have just reminded myself of that and then maybe write some other reviews! Until then, enjoy today's feature and don't forget to share your thoughts below! Stay tuned for more reviews as well as promos! Don't miss your next favourite book or manga! Happy reading!



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